
secret sharing service with auto-expiry as default, doesn't need accounts


Share your secret with a fish that have short term memory.

  • this is a secret sharing service for masses, where you don’t need to be authenticated at service to store and share secret

  • anyone with access to service can upload a secret and share the token with people they wanna share it

  • if accessed without an explicit retention parameter, the secret gets purged on first fetch

  • if stored in cache mode, it self expires after a TTL if not accessed for that duration

  • even service admin can’t decipher a secret posted by any user

Current Features:

  • both of these stores purge their entry on any fetch by default, unless asked to keep=true it further

  • cache store has extra expiry attached to it, for keys to self-delete if not accessed for TTL (default 300seconds)

  • disk store persists secrets which are resumable even after service restart

  • all secrets are stored post AES encryption with per secret unique token

  • every secret can only be deciphered by it’s token which is returned as response of posting the secret, so if token is lost… so is data in secret

  • token is also required to delete the secret by normal users

  • listing of all the keys against which secrets are stored

  • purge one key, if by mistake wrong or undesired secret has been shared

  • purge all keys, for cleanup or in times of threat

just a reminder that value is not recoverable using Admin Token

image of dory

MIT Licensed